
Sunday, September 22, 2013


NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month.
 NaNoWriMo is an event, officially taking place in November every year, in which an average of 300,000 writers from around the world take it upon themselves to write 50,000 words in 30 days.  The purpose of this insane enterprise is to just WRITE.  No editing is allowed; in fact, in the workbooks provided for elementary through high school writers on the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program website, you must push a button and vacuum your inner editor right out of your head and into a little room where he/she waits for you to finish your book so it can be edited.  

I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo this year!  All you need for it is a notebook and pen, or a computer and fingers to type with.  To connect with other writers and set a goal, you could go to one of two websites:, the official site, or, the young writers program which provides workbooks and also lets you set your own goal instead of the standard 50,000 words.
       So guess what story I'm writing for NaNo?  My {Good} Stepmother story!  Haven't exactly decided what I'm going to call it.  But I have worked out quite a bit concerning the plot and characters, thanks to the surprisingly helpful workbooks.  I say surprising because I usually don't get anything out of such things, but this one has been indispensable.  Half of it is preparing for November; the other half coaches you through as you write like a mad man/woman.  I have to admit that I'm awfully excited for November as well as dreading it simply because it is the threshold of winter!

So.  I'm going to do a couple short character bios for my NaNoWriMo book. If you've read my previous post about this book, The Evil Stepdaughter, you will find I have made some changes here.  Don't be confused; they were deliberate changes to fit the rest of the story. :)

 Morgan is a plain and tall 18 year old with remarkable maturity and clear-headedness, but perhaps not enough humility.  She was shortly engaged to a soldier currently and unofficially nicknamed Terry, but a deal between her father and the King crushed all her hopes.  She was married off to the scruffy old man and forced to become stepmother to the bratty Snow White, who appears to everyone but Morgan as an angelic, victimized child who lost her mother at an early age.  Morgan is able to use magic, but only a little; she prefers instead to use earthly resources that may appear magical to peasants.  Snow White accuses her so often of witchcraft that she became extremely sensitive to any mention of her skill.

Terry is probably not going to be his name, but it is one that I had to stick on him for the moment.
Not-as-tall-as-Morgan, impetuous, and good-natured, Terry is blonde-haired and handsome.  He also has a sometimes unbearable case of cockiness.  But he has a good heart and loves Morgan ardently (thank you, Mr. Darcy, for that beautiful word) even after they are forced apart.  His hot temper is not infrequently unleashed, especially when he hears someone compare Snow White's ravishing beauty to Morgan's "plain, forgettable face".  

NaNoWriMo is going to be a remarkable experience and I can't wait to share my progress with you guys. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

New Character ~ Isaiah Newport

I have created a new character to be an antagonist within the protagonists.

[I would like to thank my friends Mary Jane, Ethan and Megan for providing me with the name and picture for this character.]
Isaiah is a hardworking soldier of The Safe House.  He's very skilled and strong, trains daily, and makes sure everyone knows it.

He feels superior to everyone in the Safe House, especially Cameron, considering him spoiled by Adrian.  He was always making quips about Cameron's past despite the pain it brought him.  Sometimes he would even undermine Adrian's authority as Captain.

After Cameron returned, Isaiah constantly belittled him and criticized his decision to bring Natalie there.  He made Natalie start wondering if Cameron actually cares about her, or if he's only protecting her because he feels it's his duty to Adrian.  

"Cameron."  The voice was dry, not at all welcoming.  Cameron groaned and whispered to Natalie, "Isaiah."  She cocked her head and whispered back, "Who's Isaiah?"  "You'll find out soon enough, he'll make sure of that," he muttered, and turned around to face a tall, limber man who glared down at him like he was a naughty child.  "You're back," he said with displeasure.  Cameron frowned.  "Yes." He turned back to Natalie and made a face.  She covered her mouth to repress a giggle, but it was repressed for her when Isaiah turned his gray-green eyes on her.  "Who's that?" he demanded.  Cameron spun around, eyes flashing.  Natalie had never seen him irritated so quickly.  "You don't have to act like everyone has to go through your approval, Isaiah.  Natalie is Captain Adrian's daughter."  Isaiah's eyebrows arched.  "Really?" he drawled.  "I see just inheriting the title of Captain wasn't enough; you also had to have his daughter."  Natalie's face burned bright red.

So if you don't hate Isaiah as much as I do, I have failed miserably.
That part might not actually be written into the book; I just wanted to give you a sample of his impossibleness.  He sounds just like the type of guy Lucy would like.  *HINT HINT*

Well, that was super short.  It's all I have on hand for posting.  Maybe soon I'll do a post for Adrian, but I haven't found anyone he looks like yet.  In fact, I hardly know what he looks like at all.  So there's a problem.

If you guys have any suggestions on something I should post here, PLEASE PLEASE comment and let me know.  ANYTHING, from a writing prompt you want me to write from to a part of one of my stories you want me to expound on.  Unless you ask me to describe Richard's death scene.  I imagine if you want your heart broken, you could venture to ask.  
You could also request more about a certain character or even give me an idea for a new one.  Whatever you want.  I am out of things to post here, and since the reason I'm posting is to entertain YOU, I want to know what YOU want.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Letter

I can't believe it.  A post before 12:00.  Simply incredible.
Less Alexard, more Camalie.  Hehe...get it?...yeah, moving on.

As usual, this is based on a writing prompt.  "Write about a letter that changed the recipient's life forever."  This conveniently applied to Natalie.

Natalie drew a sharp breath as she read the back of the envelope.  It was from the army base.  With both excitement and fear she slit it open.  Dad? She guessed, pulling a glossy white paper out and starting to unfold it.  Here eyes caught part of a sentence and her heart nearly stopped.  "We regret to inform you..." Closing her eyes, she stood still and silent for a moment, trying to calm her pounding heart.  Dad had once sat her down and explained what would happen if she received a letter from the army containing those words, but she'd never actually believed it would happen.  Maybe her fears were foolish and it hadn't happened.  She repeated this hope over and over to herself as she unfolded the letter and started to read its contents.

We regret to inform you that while selflessly serving his country in the military, ADRIAN ROSS has been killed in action.

Natalie's heart nearly burst to pieces as the letter dropped from her hands onto the floor.  She fell back onto a chair behind her, breathing hard.  Tears gathered in her eyes.  She curled into a miserable ball and wept silently.
Her mother entered the room and saw her shaking form.  "What's wrong, Nat?" she exclaimed.  Natalie didn't move and willed her to go away, but Ingrid walked toward her and stopped to pick up the letter.  Natalie held her breath, waiting to hear her mother's reaction.  She heard a gasp, a choke, and a small cry of "Adrian!" before Ingrid fled the room and Nat was again alone in her anguish.

After what felt like hours, Natalie slowly lifted her tear-streaked face and stared dully at the envelope still lying on the table.  A gleam of metal caught her eye, and she slowly raised herself and pulled it gently out.  It was a dog tag.  The tears returned as she read the inscription.
                                                                 ROSS, ADRIAN

Trembling, she hung it around her neck and laid back down, clutching her precious relic as if her soul depended on it.

Yes, that was very short.  Couldn't help myself; I was too excited about posting it before 12:00.  Hope you enjoyed.

Related posts: Character Post: Cameron WalkerCharacter Post: Natalie Ross, The Promised Blurb, Character Post:: Jesse and Anna [???], Character Post: Richard, Inspired By A Prompt, Colin's Coming (Writing Prompt), Maybe Not Quite So Deluxe..., Blog Post. 'Nuff Said., A Blast, Lost and Found and then Lost Again 


Friday, September 6, 2013

Updates and A Thingy

Not sure what these little pieces of story are called, so I call them thingies.
So! *rubs hands together* As I said in the title, I have a few updates about Hitchhiker.

First of all, I have done weird writerly magic to people's ages.  It's my universe; I can change timelines however I want.  Natalie has suddenly become 20 and Cameron has suddenly become 22.  Also, Richard's entire existence and the existences of everything around him went back in time so that he enlisted in the army when he was 24.  Instead of 29.  Just let me work things out here.  *wipes sweat off brow* This is a lot of concentration to be doing at 2:14 am.

And last but not least, I also have a piece of a thing for you.  From the way I talk, one would never guess I was a writer.  :P based on a writing prompt, as usual.  "Write a scene starting with the line, 'I have nothing to apologize for.'"

Oh, I almost forgot.  Due to confused new readers, at the bottom of each post I'm going to put "related posts" so no one will ever wonder where to start again.  

"I have nothing to apologize for." The man stood stock still and glared at his opponent, who wiped his bloodied nose and looked down.  Adrian grunted.  "Oh?  What started the fight?"
Cameron suppressed a sigh as the men rushed to explain why the other was in the wrong.  Everyone had been on edge today.  Even their great Captain was acting different.  He was quiet, distracted, even a little melancholy.  Cameron himself was only disturbed because of Adrian's strange behavior.  He wished he could get a moment alone with him to ask what was wrong.
"Disciplinary action will be taken immediately," Adrian was saying.  He nodded to Jesse, who took both the men by their elbows and steered them out of the room.  Adrian let out a long sigh and rested his head in his hands.  Cameron walked forward to stand beside him.  "Sir?" he almost whispered.  Adrian looked up.  "Yes?"  Cameron wasn't sure how to begin, so he spoke bluntly.  "What's the matter?"  The Captain tried to appear confused, but Cameron only held him in a meaningful look until he gave in and motioned toward a chair nearby.  Cameron pulled it up to the desk and and sat, eying him expectantly.  
"If the person sitting at my desk right now wasn't you or that Jesse character, I wouldn't say anything about this at all," he remarked.  Cameron patiently waited in silence for more.  Adrian regarded him with an unidentifiable emotion.  "Do you ever have regrets about leaving your family?" He shook his head.  "No, sir."  Adrian nodded reflectively.  "Of course, your parents weren't exactly..." he stopped, and Cameron was grateful.  He didn't like thinking about them.  "I confess, I keep wondering if I should have entered the Safe House at all, or if I should have just returned home for good.  It's been more than a year since I last saw my daughter, and she thinks I'm dead."  The words were spoken quickly and firmly, as if to ward off any unwanted emotion.  "I'm tired, Cameron, and I want to see my family again.  That's what's wrong with me today."

Written at 2:36.  One of those tired posts that I would prefer to have no constructive criticism on. ;)

Well, that's all...I think...*snore*


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lost and Found and then Lost Again

I KNOW I promised more Natalie/Cameron and less of Richard/Alexis.  BUT.  I found a writing prompt that said, "Start a story with this sentence: 'She woke, shivering, in the dark of the night."  Well, first it was going to be about Natalie, but a flash of inspiration, as opposed to the blank mind that stood before me when thinking about Nat, seemed far better.
So.  This little thingy made me feel sorrier for Richard than I ever did.  Suddenly everything is different.  Goldfinches and grosbeaks!  I love being a writer!!  All these little twists on things I thought I already had figured out...

She woke, shivering, in the dark of the night. The luminous numbers on her alarm clock informed her that it was 8:00 in the morning.  She had exactly one hour.
Immediately she was on her feet, switching the light on, shedding her night clothes, donning a brown dress, slipping into her shoes.  She ran a comb through her hair and arranged it into a messy bun.  Adding a little make-up and jewelry to her ensemble, she studied herself in the mirror.  There was one thing missing.
Opening her closet, she extracted an earring from her ear and fitted it into a tiny hole in the back wall.  Something clicked, and a hinged panel fell open.  She felt inside until her fingers came in contact with cold metal.
She pulled the chain out and held it up to the light.  A tear threatened to escape as she read the inscription on the dog tag.
                                                   NORTH, RICHARD
She swallowed her tears.  Today was not a day to cry.  Colin wanted to see her happy.  She hung the dog tag around her neck and locked the panel back up.
Thirty minutes later, she was stepping out of her car and crossing the nearly empty street to the little restaurant on the other side.  A coffee smell met her as she entered.  "Can I help you, miss?" a man at the counter asked.  She shook her head, scanning the room to see if Colin was early.  "No, I'm waiting for someone."  There were only three people there, all sitting at a table in the corner.  She was about to take a seat when one of the people looked up.  Her breath caught in her throat and her legs nearly gave way under her.  She felt dizzy; everything was suddenly blurry.  Swaying, she closed her eyes and tried to calm herself, but her whirling thoughts were overpowering her will.  That can't be him.
Suddenly she heard his voice and felt his strong arms help her sit down.  "Are you alright, ma'am?" his voice said.  He doesn't recognize me! was her panicked thought before she realized she was covering her face with her hands.  Breathing hard, she gathered her courage and looked up at him.  His face blanched, his eyes widened, and his lips opened and closed as if he couldn't summon words.  Finally he managed to whisper, "Alexis?"  That was the last thing she heard before she fainted.

Richard could only stare open-mouthed as his little sister fainted in his arms.  His head spun with confusion and pain.  What is she doing here?  What happened to her?  "Someone get her some water!" He shouted.  Bending close to her face, he whispered, "Alex, wake up, please!"  A waiter ran to him with a cup of water and Richard poured a few drops into her mouth.  To his relief, her eyes fluttered open.  "Richard," she gasped, "You were dead!"  He put a finger to her lips and glanced back at Ford and Lucy, who were regarding him with cold impatience.  "Look.  I need you to pretend you don't know me."  His voice was urgent.  Her face betrayed her utter confusion.  "What?" He glanced back again and saw to his horror that Ford and Lucy had gotten up and were approaching.  "Just...please.  You don't know me.  It's for your own safety."  She was about to argue, but before she could open her mouth, Ford was towering over them.  "Richard.  I believe we were in the middle of a discussion."  Richard stood at attention.  "Yes, sir," he muttered.  Ford frowned at Alex.  "Who is she?" Richard groaned inwardly.  Please forget about her.  Just leave her alone, he thought as he answered, "I don't know, sir.  I was just helping her to -" "Richard!" Alexis exclaimed.  "What are you talking about?  I'm your sister!"  Her brother nearly fainted himself as Ford's face lit up.  "Your sister?" he repeated with morbid interest.  Richard's heart sunk to the soles of his feet.  Alexis looked bewildered.  "What- Richard was...who are these...?"  Ford grinned.  "My dear, I'm very pleased to meet you, but your brother and I have business."  He nodded at Lucy, who with a quick and subtle movement sent Alex back into unconsciousness.  Richard grabbed Lucy's arm in an iron grip and angrily cried, "What do you think you're doing?"  Ford stepped between him and his sister.  "Someone call an ambulance!" he shouted, and narrowed his eyes at Richard.  "Nice to know you have a sister.  I suppose now if I am ever...displeased...with you, I have considerable motivation for you to get back into line."  Richard was so stunned he nearly struck him, but a man appeared at that moment to ask why they needed an ambulance.  "Our friend just passed out," Lucy answered promptly, pointing at Alexis.  Richard pushed Ford aside and knelt by his sister.  "I'm sorry," he whispered, and looked at Ford with venomous words boiling on his tongue.  Ford merely patted his gun holster casually.
After Alex had been carried away in an ambulance, Ford pushed Richard back to his seat.  "Nice girl.  Where does she live?"  Richard glared and said nothing.  He shrugged.  "We have ways of finding out, whether you tell us or not," he pointed out.  Still he received no answer.  "Well," Ford folded his hands and grinned, "shall we continue our meeting, then?"

*Cries* Well, hopefully next I'll find something to write about Natalie or Cameron or Jesse or Anna or Adrian or all or a few or pairs or just three or four of them. 
P.S. I'd suggest that Richard clear out before Colin comes along.  I'd also hate to be Colin when he comes to find that his date passed out and was taken to the hospital.