
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

New Character ~ Isaiah Newport

I have created a new character to be an antagonist within the protagonists.

[I would like to thank my friends Mary Jane, Ethan and Megan for providing me with the name and picture for this character.]
Isaiah is a hardworking soldier of The Safe House.  He's very skilled and strong, trains daily, and makes sure everyone knows it.

He feels superior to everyone in the Safe House, especially Cameron, considering him spoiled by Adrian.  He was always making quips about Cameron's past despite the pain it brought him.  Sometimes he would even undermine Adrian's authority as Captain.

After Cameron returned, Isaiah constantly belittled him and criticized his decision to bring Natalie there.  He made Natalie start wondering if Cameron actually cares about her, or if he's only protecting her because he feels it's his duty to Adrian.  

"Cameron."  The voice was dry, not at all welcoming.  Cameron groaned and whispered to Natalie, "Isaiah."  She cocked her head and whispered back, "Who's Isaiah?"  "You'll find out soon enough, he'll make sure of that," he muttered, and turned around to face a tall, limber man who glared down at him like he was a naughty child.  "You're back," he said with displeasure.  Cameron frowned.  "Yes." He turned back to Natalie and made a face.  She covered her mouth to repress a giggle, but it was repressed for her when Isaiah turned his gray-green eyes on her.  "Who's that?" he demanded.  Cameron spun around, eyes flashing.  Natalie had never seen him irritated so quickly.  "You don't have to act like everyone has to go through your approval, Isaiah.  Natalie is Captain Adrian's daughter."  Isaiah's eyebrows arched.  "Really?" he drawled.  "I see just inheriting the title of Captain wasn't enough; you also had to have his daughter."  Natalie's face burned bright red.

So if you don't hate Isaiah as much as I do, I have failed miserably.
That part might not actually be written into the book; I just wanted to give you a sample of his impossibleness.  He sounds just like the type of guy Lucy would like.  *HINT HINT*

Well, that was super short.  It's all I have on hand for posting.  Maybe soon I'll do a post for Adrian, but I haven't found anyone he looks like yet.  In fact, I hardly know what he looks like at all.  So there's a problem.

If you guys have any suggestions on something I should post here, PLEASE PLEASE comment and let me know.  ANYTHING, from a writing prompt you want me to write from to a part of one of my stories you want me to expound on.  Unless you ask me to describe Richard's death scene.  I imagine if you want your heart broken, you could venture to ask.  
You could also request more about a certain character or even give me an idea for a new one.  Whatever you want.  I am out of things to post here, and since the reason I'm posting is to entertain YOU, I want to know what YOU want.


  1. Oooh, I hate him!! But I think you were right on picking this guy instead of baldy. It just works better. Bravo! A good fit with the last name as well. And I loved the little excerpt!! Brilliantly written, as always. :)

    And correction--Ethan came up with the name Isaiah. I merely agreed that it seemed to fit. Just trying to give credit where it's due. ;)

    Good night, lovely! :D *hugs*

    1. Oh. I didn't remember that. Maybe my phone did something weird and I didn't see his comment? I dunno. Thanks for correcting me though xD
      Good night, lovelier! :D

    2. Probably. Whelp, good night, loveliest! :D

  2. This is perfect, Ash! He adds a lot of nice conflict, even when they're in the Good Guys base. Brilliant. :) And Isaiah is the PERFECT name for that photo up there ^^^^ It just . . . FITS, somehow.

    And wait.

    Richard . . .


    WHAT?!?!? D: D: D:

    1. It's an ongoing joke-ish thing because when I first posted about Richard, I said, "He sacrifices hi-" and then broke off to prevent spoilers. So you can decide for yourself what you think will happen, and then when you finally read the book you will know for sure. xD

    2. "He sacrifices hi-..." Not his sister, I hope. Or his life. Or best friend. Or mom.

    3. What if it's "he sacrifices hiccups"? You never know. xDD

    4. You, my friend, are cruel. You're not even published yet and you're killing your fans slowly!! D;
      Wait and see, one day there'll be a Hitchiker fandom, and people will be wailing at the cruelty of Ashley M.
      You can't kill Richard.
      You just . . . No. D:

    5. My character. I can do with him what I want. :3

    6. Just let me write my story, girl xD No one will want spoilers, so I can't tell you anything...

    7. I'm kidding, it's your story, and it's fantastic, and you're a very talented writer :) Keep it up!

    8. "You, my friend, are cruel. You're not even published yet and you're killing your fans slowly!! D;
      Wait and see, one day there'll be a Hitchiker fandom, and people will be wailing at the cruelty of Ashley M."

      My exact thoughts. One day, she'll be right up there with Moffat. THAT IS NOT A COMPLIMENT, ASHLEY MCNUTT. xD

    9. When you spell my name in uppercase letters, you are supposed to say "McNUTT". That way, everyone knows, without seeing my name spelled normally, that it is "McNutt" and not "Mcnutt". :)

  3. I was going to suggest a death scene, but I guess not, then... In that case, I'd like to read more about Natalie!
