
Friday, September 6, 2013

Updates and A Thingy

Not sure what these little pieces of story are called, so I call them thingies.
So! *rubs hands together* As I said in the title, I have a few updates about Hitchhiker.

First of all, I have done weird writerly magic to people's ages.  It's my universe; I can change timelines however I want.  Natalie has suddenly become 20 and Cameron has suddenly become 22.  Also, Richard's entire existence and the existences of everything around him went back in time so that he enlisted in the army when he was 24.  Instead of 29.  Just let me work things out here.  *wipes sweat off brow* This is a lot of concentration to be doing at 2:14 am.

And last but not least, I also have a piece of a thing for you.  From the way I talk, one would never guess I was a writer.  :P based on a writing prompt, as usual.  "Write a scene starting with the line, 'I have nothing to apologize for.'"

Oh, I almost forgot.  Due to confused new readers, at the bottom of each post I'm going to put "related posts" so no one will ever wonder where to start again.  

"I have nothing to apologize for." The man stood stock still and glared at his opponent, who wiped his bloodied nose and looked down.  Adrian grunted.  "Oh?  What started the fight?"
Cameron suppressed a sigh as the men rushed to explain why the other was in the wrong.  Everyone had been on edge today.  Even their great Captain was acting different.  He was quiet, distracted, even a little melancholy.  Cameron himself was only disturbed because of Adrian's strange behavior.  He wished he could get a moment alone with him to ask what was wrong.
"Disciplinary action will be taken immediately," Adrian was saying.  He nodded to Jesse, who took both the men by their elbows and steered them out of the room.  Adrian let out a long sigh and rested his head in his hands.  Cameron walked forward to stand beside him.  "Sir?" he almost whispered.  Adrian looked up.  "Yes?"  Cameron wasn't sure how to begin, so he spoke bluntly.  "What's the matter?"  The Captain tried to appear confused, but Cameron only held him in a meaningful look until he gave in and motioned toward a chair nearby.  Cameron pulled it up to the desk and and sat, eying him expectantly.  
"If the person sitting at my desk right now wasn't you or that Jesse character, I wouldn't say anything about this at all," he remarked.  Cameron patiently waited in silence for more.  Adrian regarded him with an unidentifiable emotion.  "Do you ever have regrets about leaving your family?" He shook his head.  "No, sir."  Adrian nodded reflectively.  "Of course, your parents weren't exactly..." he stopped, and Cameron was grateful.  He didn't like thinking about them.  "I confess, I keep wondering if I should have entered the Safe House at all, or if I should have just returned home for good.  It's been more than a year since I last saw my daughter, and she thinks I'm dead."  The words were spoken quickly and firmly, as if to ward off any unwanted emotion.  "I'm tired, Cameron, and I want to see my family again.  That's what's wrong with me today."

Written at 2:36.  One of those tired posts that I would prefer to have no constructive criticism on. ;)

Well, that's all...I think...*snore*



  1. Awesome! I love it, Ash. (Our first proper look at the good guys in Hitchhiker?) Very good indeed for two o'clock in the morning :P

    1. Haha, thanks xD I'm not even going to read it again so I don't have to facepalm....

  2. Pretty Darn good ash. Poor Adrian :P
