
Friday, October 11, 2013

"To Whom It May Concern"

Here is the promised Mad Libs game.  I am using a few words from each of your kind suggestions.

I have laughed my job.  A most jumpy job it is.  A creature such as I, with my long, obese mane and crazily manicured claws, should not have to put up with it.  The children who visit have no real appreciation for beauty.  And the man who brings my food insults my majesty with his yodeling and cowering.  Does he not know that one so green as I would never eat such a scrawny potato bug?  
Furthermore, I'd like to complain about the food.  Oh my cheesepuffs, what is "jerky", ya jerks?!?  The stuff tastes all dried out like a bilge snipe someone forgot to eat and left in the sun (and those things taste squeaky, let me tell you!).
 Oh, and why for Krypto the Super-dog's sake do you call those hideous, brightly-colored shoes-that-are-full-of-holes "crocs"?! I have seen crocodiles and even they are better looking than that.  Humans tackle me.
Needless to scare, I am thickly disappointed.  None of this was in the job description.  So I am leaving, as any spotty lion would do.  Oh, and don't send out animal control like you did when poor Oobette tried to quit.  I'm tango-ing the first giant-flying-cross-shaped-machine back to Gallifrey.
 - sincerely never yours again, Bisquick the Lion

I do hope someone laughed at that.  It's very silly.  Also the first Mad Libs game I've ever written. 

- Ashley

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