
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Character Post ~ Meridath

Meridath is a spirited, 13-year old farmgirl who was once a part of Snow White's train of personal maidservants.  She was dismissed because of her quick tongue and, frankly, her beauty.  Snow White was jealous.
She lives in a rickety two-story farmhouse with her family of 6: Frederick, her sickly father who can barely stir from his chair by the fire; Jayla, her strong, independent mother who holds the family together; Ethan, her trouble-making, rowdy adult brother who is rarely home; Malik, the brainy, quiet brother; and Daniel, the sibling closest to her and also the kindest brother.  Together the family works hard to support each other.  
Meridath meets the fugitives Morgan and LI and takes them in, finding they have a common enemy: Snow White.  Morgan and Meri befriend each other.

Meri and her family are very interesting to me.  I think they represent the homely life, the average family that doesn't turn out to be the celebrated hero but played a huge part in the hero's life.  I love characters like that; brave, strong, loving, but not in the spotlight.  Meri could have a book of her own about how awesome she and her family are.  Maybe I'll make one. ;)


  1. Ooohhh!! I LOVE this character! :D Brilliant, just brilliant.

  2. Awesome, Ash! Very well thought out ;) I can tell you're eager to write about her ^^ Whenever you write about Ethan I'm just going to think GR Ethan, though . . . xD

  3. I think her and her family are like people who station runaway slaves, you know? Kind, loving, quiet, careful, and cheerful. They are wonderful family it seems, and Ethan is the PERFECT name for someone like him :)

  4. Whoa. I haven't been following your blog for too long, so your novel is fairly unheard of in my head, but whoa. This sounds like an awesome family, and as Johanna said, very well thought out.
    And Snow White being jealous/bad? Never saw that coming! Sounds awesome. :)

    1. Thanks!!!!! :D :D :D Sorry I took so long to respond!
