
Monday, October 7, 2013

NaNoWriMo Is Nearly Upon Us!

Alright, so I don't know about you guys, but I am super stoked for NaNoWriMo.  I have been brainstorming, writing, scribbling, notetaking, and otherwise preparing like a maniac.  With the start-up of school, it has gotten a little harder to find the time, but I hope I will persevere, for November is swiftly approaching.  
[I would also like to add that my birthday is coming up, too....]

So, during November I most likely won't post anything.  At all.  And if I do, it is probably something very incredible that I really wanted to tell you guys about.  Which I hope something like that happens - a bizarre dream that gave me a brilliant idea, maybe? *crosses fingers*

Anyway, I have tweaked and polished my story, affectionately nicknamed "The {Good} Stepmother".  ( see "The {Evil} Stepdaughter" and "NaNoWriMo!"It was previously titled "The {Evil} Stepdaughter", by the way.  

To do:
  • I need a name for Morgan, my MC (main character)'s love interest.  I currently call him LI (for Love Interest, of course).  See my "NaNoWriMo!" post for information on him.
  •   I need a better name for Snow White's father, who I have dubbed Lee because it was the first random name that came to mind.
  •  A new, neutral character is "The Witch".  She proves herself both an antagonist and a helpful supporting character during Morgan's adventures.  The actual story doesn't reveal her name, and I have yet to think of it.
  • I think I have decided on dwarf names: Gretten, Nyse, Sove, Minsten, Likkelig, Lege, and Blyg.  Trust me, I have a very plausible explanation for these ridiculous names, but a magician never reveals her secret - nor does an author.
  • New character: Prince Beau.  I positively hate that name but it fits this spoiled Prince Charming very well.
  • New character: Meridath.  A gorgeous farm girl, she was once a maidservant of Snow White's but was dismissed because she was too spirited and Snow was just a little jealous of her beauty.  She has three big brothers and her two parents living with her: Frederick, the ill old father who rarely stirs from his chair; Jayla, the strong, firm mother who holds the family together; Ethan, the oldest son and also a disgrace to the family name with his rowdiness and drinking; Malik, the quiet, thoughtful, and brainy son; and Daniel, the warm-hearted, gallant youngest brother who is the closest to Meri.
  • Revenge on a stepmother isn't the only thing Snow White wants.  A powerful, mysterious jewel called "Malificent's Stone" plays a key part in this tale.

Certainly there is more, but why would you even read my book if you knew all about it?  I'm very excited to write this.  Very excited indeed.  Give me a shout if you think of possible names for my nameless characters; help is always welcome.  If your name wins, you get a free tshirt!  No, not really.  Sorry to dash your hopes.

A full post about Meridath is coming up!

 God natt og gode drømmer,


  1. *tears* But I WANTED a t-shirt!! An exclusive Ashley-signed t-shirt! :P xD
    Ah, well.
    First off, it sounds BRILLIANT, Ashley! Bravo! :D I cannot wait to read it. It's going to be fantastic.
    For Morgan's love interest . . . Terry, Brian, Timothy, Steven/Stephen, Peter, Patrick, Christopher, Daniel, Keith, Joe, Jeff, Troy . . . I should stop now xD
    This website may be helpful -- -- You type in a name to search for other names like it. I did it for Terry just now. Might be useful :)
    Snow White's father is the one Morgan marries, right? He needs something like, old and boring and kingly-ish-sounding, maybe. Like Henry or George or Robert or Clarence or Theodore or WALTER. I don't know . . . (I'm cheating, by the way; using that website xD)

    Hope maybe SOME of that helped, (I doubt it) and good luck!

  2. You know, I was already thinking about the name Terry O_O Great minds think alike ;) And definitely agreed about the king's name. xDD I certainly wish I could give you a tshirt, but I know not how to get it to you....xD

  3. When is your birthday, by the way (if you don't mind telling me)? And your story sounds fantastic (and more thought through and organized than mine). :)

    1. Haha, why thank you :D :D It probably won't end up being very long; I think that's why I'm having such an easy time of organizing it xD My birthday is October 20th!!

    2. Ah, mine's November 10th. How old will you be? And good luck with your novel! :)

    3. Fifteen :D And thanks! Luck to you as well!

  4. Awesome...except You've told me alll about it :D Good luck, and oh boy, I have a feeling your gonna do better than me cause I have to start my guide book all over again :P

  5. Very cool, Ash. :D Malificent's Stone? I must know more. :O
