
About Ashley

My full name is Ashley Marie McNutt, and I am a homeschooled Christian.
I love writing, reading, and currently have an ongoing love/hate relationship with fangirling.  Regardless of how much I despise it, it happens often, and I find myself loving it.
I fangirl over Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, Sherlock (bbc version!), The Chronicles of Narnia, all things Jane Austen (especially Pride and Prejudice), Star Wars, Star Trek, Once Upon A Time, and all kinds of other things.
A few of my hobbies are writing (I do a lot of that), reading, drawing (though I'm not too good at it), and...what do you call it? Photographing?  Anyway, I eventually would love to end up a professional photographer and an author of books.  Books books books, I love them.  Especially old ones.  ANYWAYS...
I have 12 siblings, not counting me.  I'm currently fourteen but will be fifteen in October.   I believe that God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sin and He rose again after three days to ascend back into heaven and send the Holy Spirit to dwell within us.  
If anyone is REALLY this curious, my favorite color is red and my favorite flowers are poppies.  Is that all I need to say?  I hope so.  


  1. Haha xDD You crack me up, Ash!!'s one of those things you can't avoid (well, maybe you could if you were really set on it). It just happens. ALL THE TIME. At least in my case. ANYWAY, later!! ~MJ

    1. I'm glad I'm a source of entertainment for you ;) I agree, fangirling is simply "unavoidable" (a Star Wars fan will read that in The Emperor's voice).

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  3. Hey Ashley, this is Zechariah. You do have a nice blog. :P

  4. Hey, Just wanted to say that I nominated you with the Sunflower Award over at my website,, :D

  5. Wow, I'm finding out we have so much in common! Love your ideas and can't wait to read more!
