
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sherlock Fanfiction

Once upon a time, a girl named Ashley watched Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes in The Adventure of the Six Napoleons.  Ashley adored that episode.  Then Ashley read the story in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes book.  Ashley also adored that story.  So Ashley was discussing her favorite scene with her awesome friend Janey, and Ashley randomly wrote fanfiction which incorporated this scene into BBC's modern adaption of Sherlock.  Janey loved it so much that she begged and begged for Ashley to put it on her blog.  So Ashley did, despite her qualms and embarrassment.  Here it is.

"We're not jealous of Scotland Yard. No, sir." Lestrade's face became sombre, and Sherlock turned to him with an air of surprise. "No?" he muttered. "No," Lestrade answered firmly. "We're proud of you." He continued as if afraid that if he waited a moment longer to speak he would not have the courage to finish. "There's not a man among us - from the oldest constable to the youngest officer - who wouldn't be glad to shake you by the hand." He smiled hesitantly, as if afraid Sherlock would ridicule him for his sincerity.

For a few seconds Sherlock seemed at a loss for words. Disbelief, astonishment, and elation chased each other across his features. Finally he turned to Lestrade, forcing a cool smile. "Thank you," he said non-chalantly, and then repeated the words with more sentiment John had ever heard from him. “Thank you. John looked at him in surprise. " okay?" Sherlock sniffed. "Of course. Let's....get going." Lestrade held out his hand, waiting for Sherlock to take it. At first the consulting detective stared at it with distaste, but in a sudden, uncharacteristic action he clasped Lestrade warmly by the hand and smiled briefly. Without another word he abruptly turned and walked away with John, leaving Lestrade staring at his hand in astonishment.

Well, there is was.  What did you think?  No, don't tell me what you think.  This is my first ever fanfiction and I'm super embarrassed.  Actually yes tell me what you think.  No, don't.  Well, do whatever you want.  I won't look.  Actually I will.  If anyone wants me to expound on this, I'll do my best....but if it's great just the way it is, yippee.


  1. I love you. <3 I flippin love the fic, too!! I am SO glad you took my advice and posted it!!! *happy dance* *squeeeeeee*

  2. D'AWWWWWWWWWWWW. *happy tears flooding the keyboard* It's amazing, Ashley!! The feels! :") It's exactly how I would imagine it . . . It's perfect! It played along in my head just like the JB episode, only with BC and MF . . . excellent! <3 I love it. :) You're incredibly brave to post it here, too xD

    1. Can I also say that this is five hundred times better than my first ever fanfiction? xD

    2. AWWWWWWWW. <3 <3 <3 <3 Thanks Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :') :')

  3. Love it. You did a great job. Well done!

    1. Thank youuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :')

  4. I love this, Ashley! This is awesome, totally better than any fanfiction story I have read in my life! (Which is only a few). IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. YOUR WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT MORE! NOW! OR I'LL DIE! Please????? :)

  5. Haha, that was awesome Ash. :) You're really great with imagery. Very, very nice.

    (sincerely > sincerity)

    1. Ugh, yeah, changed that. xD It was a typo.... But thanks!!!!! [It makes me fuzzy to hear positive things about my writing from a published author!!!!]

  6. this is so good! I love it! You wrote this very well! I can't wait to read more!
    ~Megan Jane~
