
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Promised Blurb

What I'm about to show you is what I just wrote in "Hitchhiker".
The most recent thing I've written.  You're getting a Super Deluxe Special Edition Live Preview.  Ooh, did I mention this is also completely unedited, un-looked-over, and ridiculously fresh?  Feel special.

 Natalie couldn't believe the junk the soldiers of The Safe House lived on.
She stared at her plate, idly pushing the literally fried eggs around with her fork.  Cameron, across the table from her, had already finished eating and was watching her with confusion.
"What's the matter?"he finally asked.  She looked up, pretending to have been startled from a reverie.  "Hm? Nothing."  She smiled, having found that Cameron brightened up whenever she did so.  His eyes slid to her food.  "You don't like that, do you?"  She glanced down and reddened, but he was grinning.  "I didn't expect you to.  Unfortunately it's all our 'cook' can handle."  Nat snorted, remembering the pancakes she'd made for her aunt just the other day.  "Even I could do better than this," she muttered, half laughingly, half disgustedly.  Cameron's eyebrows arched.  "You can cook?" His voice was hopeful.

And because that's the last paragraph I've written, that's all I'm going to post of it today.  
I was laughing with my friend because I thought I never put humor in my stories; I'm just not very skilled in that area (my friend, of course, vehemently denied it).  Give me feedback!  I hope this at least tickled your funny a thigh-slapping, rolling on the floor kind of, seriously, it's not that funny.  At least I hope it wasn't that funny.  

May you not die in agitation over the shortness of this post (I might post something else later today),

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