
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Maybe Not Quite So Deluxe...

This post is really short, really late, and really written at 11:00 pm.
So don't judge. ;)
This piece of writing, once again inspired by a writing prompt and once again in the Hitchhiker world, is written from Lucy's perspective.  How I loathe Lucy.  I've been writing this off and on all day; the majority was written at 11:00.  Therefore, it's probably not too good.  Therefore, this is the one post that I don't want any negative feedback on because it's not fair. xD

"Just coffee." Richard leaned against the counter and waited impatiently for an employee to give him his order.  Lucy frowned.  She couldn't understand how he lived on coffee and yet still had those muscles.  He hardly worked out in his spare time, too - at least, as far as she knew, and she prided herself on knowing a lot about him.  They were, after all, partners.
Richard moved away with his coffee and she stepped up, setting her elbows on the counter and smiling sweetly at the handsome young waiter.  "Can you get me a salad and a diet Coke?"  She would show Richard how to eat healthy.  She considered ordering a cheeseburger in case he really wanted to eat after smelling her food.  But he merely stood against the wall, watching her with cold impatience.  She sighed.  One day he would warm up to her.
The employees were taking too long with her order; she didn't have to time to wait all day.  "Hurry up!" She snapped.  They just nodded and called, "We're working on it, ma'am!"  Their politeness only annoyed her more, and when they finally handed her her tray, she snatched it out of their hands angrily and followed Richard away.
Ford was sitting at a table in the corner.  Richard sat down on the opposite side and calmly sipped his coffee while Lucy set her tray next to him and started eating.  No one spoke for the next few minutes as they finished their food and drinks.
"Richard.  Tell Lucy what you saw yesterday," Ford spoke up in his smooth voice.  Lucy didn't miss the annoyance in Richard's face as he set down his cup and, without looking at her, said, "Cameron.  On the road.  Hitchhiking."  Her jaw dropped.  "That's impossible!" she argued.  Ford frowned.  "I didn't bring you here to defend yourself.  What I want you to do is find the girl who picked him up and make her tell you where she dropped him off."  He turned to Richard.  "Give us the specifics again."  Richard looked up as if reading words off the ceiling.  "They were about a mile down the road from the jail when he got into her car.." Ford raised up his hand.  "According to the information you gave me last night, you have approximately thirty minutes before Natalie passes through this part of town.  Talk fast or talk on the way."  Lucy cleared her throat, still unable to believe what Richard had said.  "How do you know her name?  And if this was Cameron you saw -" "It was," Richard interrupted irritably.  She snorted.  "If it was Cameron, why didn't you follow him?"  He looked away.  Ford smirked.  "That has already been dealt with.  Now off, and he will tell you on the way what I want you to do."  Richard seemed grateful to be leaving, but Lucy still had questions.  "How do you know who she is?  What does he want us to do?  Where are we going?"  Her partner groaned.  "I'll tell you.  Let's go."

I dread when I shall wake up tomorrow and realize how terrible this is.  Good night, faithful readers, and thanks for putting up with my incompetence.  :)
-A Very Tired Ashley