
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Character Post ~ Jesse and Anna [???]

I have not decided on their last name. 
Jesse's got a lot of Irish in him.  I know Jesse isn't really an Irish name, but who cares?  It fits him.
 Jesse is Adrian's greatest friend, and also a good friend of Cameron's (see My Works if you don't know who they are).  He is married to the leader of the technological research division of The Safe House, Anna [???].  
Jesse is slightly gruff, but his kind heart shows itself often.  He loves his wife dearly, and when Natalie enters into their lives, his family sort of takes her under their wings while Cameron is busy.  Jesse also teaches her how various martial arts techniques and how to use weapons such as knives and guns.  

Jesse is extremely skilled in all types of combat and can be ruthless when he must.  Defending Cameron is his main objective; he would do anything to protect the young man his best friend loved so much.  

When Adrian and Cameron were taken by the dark powers (sorry, LOTR is on my mind and that terminology for "capture" just kinda came out there), Jesse very reluctantly accepted the burden of Captaining the Safe House.  For four years he believed his two friends to be dead, and was at last accepting their doom when Cameron returned.  No words could express the joy he felt, dimmed only by Cameron's admittance that he did not know where Adrian was.  

That was short.  If anyone has any questions about Jesse and his life, let me know.  But because I feel guilty for the shortness, here's a bonus post about Jesse's wife Anna.

Anna.  Firm, clever, no-nonsense person.  She may hide behind a mask of control and tranquility, but inside she has a heart of gold.  Natalie finds a true friend in her and her husband.

Anna is just as highly trained as Jesse and Cameron, but has a lesser probability of ever having to use her skills, as she is the head honcho of the technological research division of The Safe I've already said.  She doesn't go on secret missions like the other soldiers, but this doesn't stop her from being an invaluable part of the base.  Without her and her large team of researchers, The Safe House would not have it's incredible technology such as the ability to make objects vanish.  I don't pretend to know how that works; you've got to use your imagination.

Anna is also a good friend of Cameron's, and when he returns "home" after four years, she sees to his many wounds and makes sure he's properly taken care of.  She has a motherly sense in her even though she can't have children.

Again, that was short and if anyone has any questions about these characters, please ask! :) 
Tomorrow, we will take a peek at my personal favorite villain I've ever written about because he's so human.  Richard.  

Also, if anyone has any ideas on Jesse's and Anna's last name, PLEASE HELP ME.  YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE.

Dar aglareb,
Stay glorious,


  1. Irish, yes? Hmm. I can work with this.
    Torrance. (From the low hills)
    Gannon (means fair complexioned).
    Cathal (which means strong/wise).
    Bohannon (I actually know someone with that last name).
    Blaine. (Thin/lean)
    Roarke. (Famous ruler)
    All of these are of Irish origin. Take your pick! (I love helping to pick out names!!)

    1. Maclean is perfect!!!! THANK YOU OBI WAN KENOBI MY ONLY HOPE.

  2. GAH!!! Two more awesome characters that I am now in love with. You're so good at developing characters, Ash!! ;) I can't wait for tomorrow's post!

    Btw, I've finally figured out that the girl in my story is going to be called Cassie Harper. What do you think?

    Also, one more thing. ASDFJKL!!! ASDFJKL!! I've finally gotten to the part in P&P where Darcy admits that he loves Lizzy and then he gave her the letter and now she's thinking she misjudged him and just ASDFJKL!!! THE FEELS!! OHMYGOSH I SHIP THEM I SHIP THEM I SHIP THEM (I'd be stupid not to, though)! AND WHAT THE HECK HAPPENS DO JANE AND BINGLEY GET MARRIED OR WAHT?? GAH BRB

    1. I knew you would come over to my side! (Cassie Harper is a beautiful name. I have a friend with that last name btw). I AGREE ABOUT DARCY AND LIZZY. And I'm not giving any spoilers about Jane and Bingley. I was as frustrated and impatient as you are xD


    Btw, did you get your Goodreads account straightened out? If you can't get a link to it, then here's mine: (try to figure out how to friend me, I think there might be a button/link somewhere under my profile info). :)

    1. I forgot my password and it won't let me reset it :(

  4. Awww darn. Why won't it let you reset it through your email? Try this:
