
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Blast

While this post's title is not the most creative, it is quite literally this post's content.  Or at least, some of it.
As usual, I managed to finish this one at 11:00 and post it the next day, so it isn't that good.  But hey, you guys will love anything I post, right?...yeah right.

This or some variation of this will most likely be in the book, but I haven't gotten to this part yet.

"You lived here?"  Natalie was incredulous, but Cameron was serious.  "Yeah."
  She stared up at the dilapitated blue building.  "How long has it been abandoned?"  He shrugged.  "I didn't even know my parents moved away until the day I escaped...from them.  I certainly wouldn't have come if they were still here."  There was no pain in his voice; only cold remembrance.

"Do you want to look inside?" he offered.  Natalie's eyes widened.  "Can I?" He arched his brows sarcastically.  "No, I was only teasing you."
Cameron climbed up the porch steps and produced a key from his coat pocket.  "Where did you get that?" Natalie bounded up the steps to stand beside him.  He grinned mischievously.  "I lived here, remember?"  He fitted it into the lock and opened the door.
Immediately a musty, skunk-like smell overwhelmed their senses, but only for a moment.  They slowly stepped inside and found themselves in a dusty foyer.  Cameron turned around and around, taking in the sight of his childhood home.  "I have a lot of memories of this place, despite how young I was when I ran away."  He touched the walls.  "Some good, some, all bad."  His hand stopped at a spot of blood.  "This was from a papercut of mine.  I remember my father beating me up over that."  Natalie grimaced.  "How horrible," she muttered.  Cameron shrugged.  "I'm over that.  It was a long time ago."
They found the living room nearly bare except for a large threadbare couch sitting in the corner.  Cameron slowly sat down on it, but Natalie remained standing in the middle of the room.  "I've always wondered about this house.  Every time I passed it on the road, I imagined who might have lived here."  She laughed.  "It's weird, I know."  Cameron patted the cushion next to him invitingly.  "I think weird is a good thing," he said.  Nat blushed and sat down.  "I wish my aunt thought the way you do."  He frowned.  "If she was unkind to you, you never have to see her again." She nodded, but he wasn't finished.  "I know The Safe House probably isn't your dream home, but at least there are people who love you there, like Anna and Jesse and..." he stopped, but Nat knew what he'd almost said.  "And me."  She was sure her cheeks were pink, and to distract herself she tried to steer the conversation away from her aunt.  Cameron was right; she didn't ever have to see Aunt Becca again, and the fact that she was happy about it made her feel guilty.
"Do you think your parents missed you after you left?" It was the only thing she could think of to say.  Cameron shrugged.  "Probably not that much.  I certainly didn't miss them." She shook her head sadly.  "I'm sorry they were like that."  He merely nodded, scanning the room anxiously.  "What's the matter?" He glanced back at her.   "Um, probably nothing.  Do you want to see the rest of the house?"  She agreed enthusiastically, but Cameron's sudden anxiety had made her wary.
Cameron led her up the stairs and they wandered through the empty bedrooms.  "Looks like they got rid of all my stuff when they moved," he remarked as they returned to the main floor.  On their way to the kitchen, he halted and raised his hand for silence when Natalie started to speak.  "Shhh.." he whispered.  They stood perfectly still and listened for nearly a full minute.  Tick.  Tick. Tick.  Natalie drew a sharp breath.  "What's that?" she whispered nervously.  "We need to get out of the house."  Nat immediately turned on her heel and ran for the door with Cameron right behind her.  They practically flew down the porch steps and away from the house.  "Was that a -" Natalie started to ask, but before she could finish, Cameron pushed her behind a large rock and order, "Lay down.  Cover your face."  The urgency of his voice compelled her to obey instantly.  He did the same.
The house exploded.
Flaming debris crashed around them, catching tufts of grass on fire.  Cameron took off his coat and held it over their heads.  "Let's get out of here," he shouted, but Natalie needed no urging.  Together they ran, dodging flaming pieces of wood, until they'd reached a safe distance from the fire.  "Your - your house!" Nat sputtered, stunned.  Cameron nodded, staring emotionless at the flames.  "Whoever put the bomb in there knew we were coming.  We should leave before they return."

Well, there you go, I finally posted something.  Not the best something, but I am severely lacking in inspiration right now.  So if you'll excuse me, I'm off to read Persuasion and perhaps get another post in here before 12:00.  



  2. Oh my gosh, I LOVED this!!! Awesomeness!! I'm betting the BGs planted the bomb--...Richard, maybe?? :{ Great job, keep it up!! :D

    1. Not Richard. Not Lucy, either. Not even Ford. But anyway, what's funny about calling them "BGs" is the fact that it makes me think of The BeeGees (you know, the Ah-ah-ah-stayin' alive, stayin' alive guys) xDDD

    2. Ugh. Don't remind me of them :P
