Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Mad Libs Game

I know I said a post about Meridath was coming up, and it is.  Later. xD  Today I got a writing prompt saying "Write in the form of a letter starting with 'To whom it may concern.'"  I started writing and when I was done, I thought it may be humorous to turn it into a Mad Lib.  Ever played Mad Libs?  I love them!!!  If you don't know what they are, let me tell you.  It's a short story, a couple paragraphs long, that's missing certain words like some adjectives, verbs, or names.  One person asks for the missing words, calling out something like "Adjective?" And other people respond with a word of their choice like "Pink!"  
Just in case, here's a list of definitions of some of the words I'll be asking for: 
Noun = person (eg your mom), place (eg Washington DC), or thing (eg a chair).
Adjective: a descriptive word (eg pink, silly, resplendent)
L-y word: a word ending in l-y (eg playfully, stupidly)
I-n-g word: a word ending in ING (eg grumbling)

Now.  I'm going to ask for words and after everyone's commented and answered (and agreed on all the answers!!!) I'll post the finished story.  Here's what I need:




L-y adjective

I-n-g verb






Famous animal


L-y adjective


Silly name

I-n-g verb


Silly name
Have at it!  I will be checking frequently until all the words I supplied.  Then I will  post the finished story. :)


  1. Sing, Jumpy, Obese, Crazily, Yodeling, Plaid, Potato Bug, Oh My Cheesepuffs, Weasel, Squeaky, Krypto The Super-dog, Swing, Thickly, Sneering, Oobette, Tango-ing, Ireland, Bisquick. Or wait, was I only supposed to supply one...?

  2. Laugh, fangirly, crazy, simply, jumping, green, ladybug, Oh my Loki, bilge snipe, large, Scooby-Doo, scares, silly, spotty, Britishguy Sillyname, loving, Gallifrey, Harimel.

    1. I was going to say when I asked for a silly name that no references to poor Benedict Cumberbatch are allowed xDDDD

  3. Adjectives fat, silly, stupid, dumb, blind, handsome, smart, sickly, soft, smooth, gentle, ruff, mean, keen, sharp, fearful, happy, joyful, excited, strange, weird, odd, small, tall, stout, plump, thin, pale, weary, fashionable, afraid.

    1. Animal: Horse, deer, wolf, tiger, lion, zebra.
      Place: Mount Olympus (Bwahahahaha!)
      Silly name: Benedict Cumberbatch (Poor dude!) Or Han Solo
      Verb: Kicked, punched, swung, sang, screamed, cried, laughed, jumped, hit, slapped, tackled.
      ING Verb: Running
      Exclamation: Everything went total Hades! (Poor dude. I feel sooo sorry for him!)
      Insect: Ladybug
