
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A New Story Is Always Exciting Unless You've Been Excited About Far Too Many...(that should be the title of an RK song)

Hoopes, I did it again!  I'm writing yet another book.  Because apparently who cares about all my other ones, right? *sigh*

This particular novel-in-progress is about a girl named Megan Foster.  Well, Meg.  And her best friend Noah Farley.  

Meg and Noah are spy partners.  No, don't leave, it's really not THAT cliche.  I hope.  I pray.  Please not.  They work for a spy organization indefinitely labelled Nife.  Nife is a force fighting against the other spy organization, called (also indefinitely) The Web.  (Because knives cut webs, but Knife was too cheesy to even call it that short-term so I got rid of the K.)  I'm still working on exactly what the Web's goal is, and why Nife is so determined to slice all its silky threads.  But I do know that the Web has a very rude habit of capturing agents and brainwashing them to use them for their own purposes.  (Sadly, I am in the dark as to what those purposes are.  Help.)

Meg was sent on a mission into the heart of the Web and never came back.  Okay, never is too long a word.  She didn't return at the appointed time and Noah set out to find her.  He searched for four days before finding her alive and well on a beach - with absolutely no memory of who he was or who she was or anything that had happened to her.  The conclusion was obvious to him: she'd been taken and brainwashed.

To take her back to Nife would mean placing her in solitary confinement (in case she'd been hardwired with a mission from the enemy) while undergoing some ridiculous memory treatment, and Noah didn't want her to go through that.  So he contacts their best friend London, a British spy of Nife who is from London.  His parents were very patriotic.  London agrees to help...
do what?
Yes, I have no idea.   What I do have an idea of is that there is a traitor in Nife, a very powerful leader who actually orchestrated the brainwashing of Meg at the order of their contacts in the Web.  Not only that, but several years back this person also caused London's older brother and genius Will to have the same thing happen to him, and he's never been recovered - he's still working with the Web, totally unaware of who he actually is.  So it's pretty hard on London when he finds out that, just like his best friend / big brother, Meg was also brainwashed.  

If I may try to paint a picture of the world this is set in, I believe it's sort of a modern Renaissance.  People are inventing new things.  Not necessarily super futuristic, but the world is discovering new things and lots of big people want the little guy's stuff.  So that's where the Web comes in.  They send their silk tendrils out and steal things for money.  Nife was raised to stop these people.  Their mission is to snip off all the webs.  I'm still working on a motive other than being genuinely nice guys who don't like thieves.  Everyone knows stuff doesn't end up that way.  Just look at S.H.I.E.L.D.  But there's also something deeper to the Web.  Like I said, still working on it.  I have actually been working on this novel for a long time, but I was too afraid to post about it because that would be making too much of a commitment. But I figure I'd hardly posted all year so I may as well give you guys something for pressing that Follow button.  

I think that's actually all I know, or most of it.  The rest is spoilers.   I'll work on character posts as soon as I can, but Meg and Noah are really the only characters I know quite a bit about.  See you then.  Also, tomorrow I will renounce that I ever wrote this because it's 12:00 at night and this post, undoubtedly, is awful.  

Thanks for reading!  And putting up with me.  And suggestions on the aforementioned missing aspects of the Web and Nife are greatly appreciated.  Also, there are certain people reading this who know the name of that traitor within Web. SHH.  

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Poem About Storms

I wrote a poem about storms:

I don't like storms.