
Sunday, May 4, 2014

An Unexpected Award.

The well respected and super cool Trinity of has awesomely nominated me for the Liebster Award!  
If you don't know what it is (I didn't till I got nominated and had to google it), it seems to be an award bloggers give to other bloggers because they are friends and stuff. Apparently Liebster in German basically means sugar and spice and everything nice.  The rules: 
  • Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.
  • List 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 9 bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers (you can’t nominate the blogger who nominated you).
  • Ask them 11 questions.
  • Let them know about the nomination.
Now, 11 facts about myself...............

1. I sleep with a pillowpet.  She's a red puppy and her name is Valentine.  Best investment I ever made.
2. I watch the Backyardigans.  *not ashamed* 
3. I'm a packrat.  
4. I carry binoculars around in my purse in case I see awesome birds.
5. The first guy I ever had a crush on was Prince Char from Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. <3
6. I am intensely afraid of storms (e.g. heavy wind, heavy rain, very dark clouds, and sometimes thunder and lightning.  Oddly enough, I'm less afraid of thunder than I am of heavy winds and rain.)
7. I love to watch water but I find it incredibly boring to be in.  I also can't swim and I have a phobia of drowning, thus causing me to pretty much steer clear of water entirely. 
8. Pretty sure my first word was "Daddy".
9. My favorite food as a baby was pears.
10. John Wayne was my hero growing up.  And Johnny Gage & Roy DeSoto.
11. I once named my hair Sally.

And now Trinity's 11 questions for me: 

1. If you could pick one word to describe yourself, what would it be? (Boring, commonplace, ordinary, regular, and run-of-the-mill are all banned.)
2. What is your favorite thing to drink?
Sprite, A&W, and lemonade are all superb.
3. What fandoms are you in? 
Good Gallifrey, what a question.  Obviously Doctor Who.  Sherlock [BBC, Granada, and canon]; Percy Jacksonnnn <33; Marvel [Captain America for the win]; Psych; Star Wars; Star Trek; Jane Austen; Nancy Drew; Hardy Boys; and Tolkien.  Pretty sure that's everything I love that actually has a fandom.  
4. How many ongoing writing projects are you working on? (Novels, essays, short stories, etc. Blog posts don't count.)
Well.  I'm only actually working on one thing right now; obviously I have a million unfinished and abandoned projects.
5. Of those projects, which has the highest word count and what is it? 
Um, this thingy probably has about a hundred words so far. :P
6. Have you ever had to go to the emergency room?  If so, why? (If you feel comfortable sharing.)
Thank Jesus my Savior, I've never had cause to go to the emergency room.  Except when I went with Mom after my older brother injured himself peeling a carrot.
7. If you could live anywhere besides where you're living now, where would you live? 
Ehh.  I love Michigan.  I might move somewhere with more trees, but definitely not out of Michigan.  If I did, I might move to Kentucky or Tennessee. 
8. Who would you most like to meet in person? (Excepting Jesus).
My awesome best friends, Emily, Robyn, Janey, and Johanna.
9. Your family and pets are safe and sound and you have two minutes to grab some things out of your burning house.  What do you take? 
She says "grab some things"...
Valentine, my NASB study Bible, my scrapbooking stuff, my journal and my pencil pouch.  Oh, and probably my letter packet that contains every letter and envelope I ever receive. 
10. What is your biggest fear?
Probably tornadoes.  Lilapsophobia, y'all.  But if you want me to get philosophical and deep, my biggest fear is losing my mom somehow.
11. Which is more awesome and would win in a fight, pirates or ninjas?
Pirates, because Barbossa. <3

And now for my nominees!  I don't think I even know nine bloggers, but here are those I do know and love.

The beautiful Johanna at

Megan Jane at (seriously guys, brilliant stuff here.)

Brian at (don't worry, Brian, you don't have to do an answer post xD) 

My sister Carly at


Mary at  She hasn't posted much, but she encouraged me via Pinterest a LOT when I was writing Hitchhiker and this is the perfect opportunity for a grateful shout-out :)

Emilita over at <3 

Robynia at  One of my best friends deserves this award of course, even if there is only one post on her blog XD <3

Margaret at :D

I thiiiiiiink that's all. WHOA, I made nine! Incredible.  Now, 11 questions for my nominees. xD 

1. Who was your first fictional character crush? 
2. What fictional place would you pack up and move to in a jiffy?
3. Which are cooler: Daleks or Cybermen?
4. What's one talent you desperately wish you had?
5. Describe yourself in one word.  Don't use boring or ordinary or any of synonyms of those words.
6. Have you ever taken the Myers-Briggs personality quiz?  If so, what did you score? 
7. Who do you most want to meet in person?
8. Books or Nooks?
9. Your zombie apocalypse weapon of choice is...
10. What's one thing you thought you would become as a kid that you haven't yet?  Are you still planning on it?
11. Are you more of a dog person or a cat person? 

Wheeew.  Finally done.  Till next time (which probably will be in years since I obviously fail at blogs)!
 - Ash